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ADDRESS: 1112 11th Street NW , Washington, DC 20001

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Superior Caring Hands, LLC (SCH) welcomes all persons to our community-based services.

We believe that person-centered thinking is a philosophy behind service provision that supports positive control and self-direction of people’s own lives. Our services provide individualized support and life skills training to adults 18 years old and older who need assistance with acquisition, retention, and improvement in skills related to activities of daily living, necessary to enable them to reside successfully in their home and the community.

Who We Are

caregiver and senior smilingSuperior Caring Hands support individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities to maintain their independence by providing person-centered services. Our services will be provided to eligible individuals through intellectually disabled and developmental challenges (waiver).

We will integrate the person-centered process to assist the person to maintain control over his or her own life by improving socialization, self-determination, and self-efficacy. This procedure will assure the most efficient and appropriate requirements that meet the national as well as the local and federal standards.

Our Mission Statement

Our mission is to empower people to be as self-sufficient, self-determining, and successful as possible. Individuals that we serve are supported in their own jobs and homes and integrated into community life, recognizing that they’re unique, valued people, and communities are enriched by their participation. Superior Caring Hands is highly dedicated to the goal of providing adults who have intellectual and developmental disabilities the opportunities to make choices which will maximize their skills development, independence, and integration into community life. SCH believe that all people can learn despite any intellectual and developmental disability, these people can make lives meaningful for themselves by their choices.

Our Vision Statement

Superior Caring hands, LLC will provide individualized care to address our clients’ specific needs, and incorporate group dynamics to enhance their health and overall well-being. We will be at the forefront in the development and delivery of our services that meet the needs of a culturally diverse community. We are committed to providing our community with quality services.

Our goal

  • Superior Caring Hands, LLC strives to maintain an empathic, ethical, responsive, and professional attitude in all phases of outpatient care, and we are dedicated to creating an environment of opportunity, choice and hope.
  • All persons seeking services are received in a welcoming and respectful manner regardless of presenting needs, symptoms or illness.
  • Engage in community outreach and public education to further awareness of the Superior Caring Hands’ services and the contributions made by persons with developmental disabilities.
  • We adhere to “No-wrong door” approach to remove barriers to appropriate care and services. Superior Caring Hands’ professional staff helps all persons navigating the intellectual and developmental issues, medical treatment systems.
  • Establish relationships with community and governmental organizations involved with services and funding for people with developmental disabilities.
  • Our approach is systems based resulting in advocacy, community coordination, and provide collaboration within the intellectual and developmental disability service community. Demonstrate our commitment to these rights by always treating those who use our services, and their families, with dignity and respect.
  • Our philosophy is to ensure that every individual receives all the services they need and for which they are eligible.
  • Provide individually-designed services and supports which will maximize:
    • Independent decision-making capabilities
    • Community life integration
    • Daily living, educational, and work-related skills.
  • Superior Caring Hands, LLC will be operated in a manner which demonstrates adherence to high ethical standards and assures financial stability and thereby protect the ongoing ability to carry out the SCH’s Mission.

What is the need for our service?

Superior Caring Hands’ beliefs of service are based on the principle that all people deserve to be cared for and treated with dignity and respect and be assured the maximum opportunities for self-determination. This means that people with intellectual and developmental challenges must have the same options and prospects as non-disabled members of the community. Superior Caring Hands services will support persons we serve to have the most independence and choice and control over their own lives through person-centered service planning and delivery and increased provider capacity.